Labels:bulletin board | daily | fence | reckoner | sea | silver screen | sky OCR: TTICT benign thke's may arise frorm epithelial rernnants in the pouch They are the most frequent neop S.A sellar region in children and young adul nd the fifth second peak occurs ir adults 81 decade These turnours usually arise in both suprasellar region however they may trasel llar suprasel llar and intrasellar entirely Craniopharyngiomas are radiographical ining cystsheterogeneous ir appearance, often con cystic and globular calcifica ition Fig 24. .15} Th ense on portions of the mass may appear hypoir se on Tl-weighted MR images, and hyperinter T2-weighted images. weighted Fig. 24.15 Craniopharyngioma Balanced eaand coronal MR image (a) showinga cystic high intensity signal 8re8 in a large sellar/ suprase 1181 rass typical of ular craniopharyngiomas Characteristic glob nal CT calcificat ...